
Worshiping Work

In the post, “Is Self-sufficiency Your Strength?” it was suggested that some people effectively turn their own strength into their god.  A related consideration is a work. Do you worship your work?  Of course, you would say “no.”  But consider that what you make sacrifices for is that which is important to you.  Do you […]


Is Self-sufficiency Your Strength?

To be self-sufficient is to not require outside aid, support, or interaction for survival.  It is a primary intent of much of today’s Western culture.  A Google search for “self-sufficient” produced 13.7 million matches.  Self-sufficiency is truly a big deal — and unfortunately, a prideful goal that produces a false sense of security. Consider what […]


Wait For It

A reoccurring gag in sitcoms is what I call the “wait for it” bit. It goes like this: Something that is expected to occur doesn’t.  With a knowing look, one character confidently states, “Wait for it.”  There is a suitable pause, and then it occurs just as predicted — the audience expresses their relief and […]